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Pinzhu art model (Xi'an) creative agency, is a professional engaged in the design and manufacture of building model, the art of professional companies; is a constant pursuit of "service first, quality first" business model of the company; is Asia's largest and most professional. By more than senior architectural designers, landscape architects and lighting designers to control model effect, in technical guidance, better drawing materials into the micro world of accurate embodiment. Pinzhu model with professional strength and high market share, business across the country, including the establishment of the Shenzhen headquarters (domestic division), Xi'an, Nanning, Xiamen, Chengdu, Nanchang, Haikou, the group operation mode, and use the international advanced model technology, with the world industry outstanding enterprises, well-known commercial institutions and the real estate group formed a strategic partnership, constantly introducing advanced techniques and technology, to let his works showing higher artistic quality, let more customers to get more high-quality services to customers, and strive to create the largest market influence and sales rate.IES中國模型網(wǎng)

Pinzhu art originality spirit of excellence.IES中國模型網(wǎng)

Choose us, you will get our best product support and service, we do our best to complete your needs, while providing you with the most cost-effective products.IES中國模型網(wǎng)

Achieve customers, achieve yourself.IES中國模型網(wǎng)

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昆明市| 邓州市| 米泉市| 安龙县| 年辖:市辖区| 北宁市| 屏山县| 吐鲁番市| 金平| 姚安县| 织金县| 友谊县| 遵义县| 中方县| 元阳县| 神农架林区| 探索| 拜城县| 蓬安县| 宝山区| 临沂市| 建始县| 泉州市| 绵竹市| 沙河市| 察雅县| 新兴县| 舞钢市| 湛江市| 离岛区| 云浮市| 松桃| 霍邱县| 景宁| 镇雄县| 吐鲁番市| 原阳县| 通辽市| 小金县| 巩留县| 左权县|