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The sand table model of building sales is the model that real estate developers show when they sell real estate. It must have been carefully packed. As a miniature of the development of real estate, the sand table model of sales building can see many main details. Hangzhou Jingwen model company reminds the brothers who buy houses for the first time, especially those who buy houses for the future, when they can't see the concrete physical buildings, it's a compulsory course to learn to see the sand table model of buildings for sale.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


Sand table overall plan4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


The sand table model of the building for sale is the miniature of the building project. First of all, we need to see the direction of the sand table model of the building for sale, and then see the building density of the project, whether the building and the supporting landscaping lights are harmonious, which will affect the quality of residence in the future.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


Look at the notes on the sand table4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


According to the relevant part of the request, when using the sand table to display the whole scheme, it is necessary to be clear about the word "model", because the sand table model of the sales building is only for reference, for the purpose of advertising. According to the scale of sand table, it can accurately calculate the key policies such as building spacing, lighting effect, etc. In this way, when selecting floors and orientations, it can be distinguished.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


Green land, internal traffic of the community4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


The sand table model of the building for sale can easily correct the beautification rate when it is made. It looks green at a glance. When buying a house, you should carefully check which may be false green space, where is the local area inconsistent with the practice plan, whether the residential area has designed the separation of people and vehicles, whether the driving is allowed in the residential area, if the driving is stopped, what is the local entrance of the parking garage, and whether the planning is reasonable. Is there enough parking space.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


Pay attention to unknown buildings and public facilities4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


Each community is equipped with public facilities such as substation, gas party, underground garage, septic tank, garbage station, water pump room, etc. If you encounter an unknown building table in the sand table, you must ask for understanding, and the nearby buildings must be carefully selected.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


supporting facilities4j8中國模型網(wǎng)


The sand table model of buildings for sale usually does not only display this project. Large developers may use two scales to display two sand table models of sales buildings, and small scale models will be used to display surrounding plans, large regional traffic maps and other situations. Large scale will show the business supporting facilities, supermarkets, campuses, hospitals and so on, which need on-the-spot inspection.4j8中國模型網(wǎng)

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